Partnerships in medical education
Partnership is a crucial component in Medical Education. It’s happening all the time, when any two or more partners work together towards a shared, common goal of enhancing medical education. It forms a key aspect of our working lives, within our own environments and when working with others, be they other medical schools, healthcare partners, social care institutions or research institutes. Medicine has pushed the boundaries from the beginning by utilising our patients as partners in student education, although this has progressed beyond simply recognising signs and symptoms of disease or developing their bedside manner. Medical schools are increasingly involved with the communities they are surrounded by and have social accountability towards the areas they serve. Our students need to develop key skills in leadership and teamwork as part of their preparedness for the working environment and often these start with sound practices in their educational environment. We achieve this not only through pedagogy and delivery but increasing using our students as partners in improving the education experience for themselves and their peers. The goal is to produce a workforce that is flexible and future-ready to work in an evolving healthcare landscape, developing their own partnerships along the way. |